- Male: Has a black face and a black ear patch with a white eyebrow. The throat is yellow and has a black necklace between the throat and upper breast. Streaks come from the black necklace and extend down the breast, which is yellow in color. The rump is also yellow but the undertail coverts are white. Has two white wing bars that come to form one. Has broken white eye-ring. In the fall the dorsal side is olive and has a narrow gray band running across the upper breast. Face and ear patch are olive and the eye-ring is thin and white.
- Female: Similar to the male but with finer streaking on the breast and a gray band across the upper breast. Has two white wing bars, but they do not converge. Eyebrow is gray as well as the face and ear patch. In the fall the dorsal side is olive and has a narrow gray band running across the upper breast. Face and ear patch are olive and the eye-ring is thin and white.
- Immature: The dorsal side is olive and has a narrow gray band running across the upper breast. Face and ear patch are olive and the eye-ring is thin and white.